Dekoracje miast



For many centuries humans have used light. It can positively affect the atmosphere in our homes, workplaces and recreation areas, shops and schools. The type and quality of light may not only influence our safety and ecology but also improve aesthetics of our surroundings.
As a company with a lot of experience we are confident that our illuminations not only positively affect the mood and wellbeing of householders but also contribute
to the development of services, trading activities, tourism and interpersonal relations.

We are perfectly aware that cities, communities, commercial centres, private entrepreneurs, public institutions and individual customers appreciate the power and advantages of illumination when it comes to creation of own image and emphasising a unique character.

We manufacture and sell Christmas decorations. We have been present on the market since 2003; however, the company roots are traced to the 80’s when Polish street appeared decorated in the first illuminations. We have several thousands of Customers in Poland and abroad, hundreds of product catalogues and thousands of individual realisations.
Our Christmas lights decorate streets, bridges, buildings, commercial centres and hotels whereas our offer is continuously developed so as to meet your expectations and follow
the latest trends around the world.  

Talking directly with potential customers via an interview is the starting point for us. First, we get to know our customer in order to offer something worthwhile meeting the customer expectations. We know that customer satisfaction is crucial and we treat every single customer individually. We provide comprehensive services including consultancy, design, manufacture and delivery, assembly and disassembly, as well as warranty and post-warranty service.


Make your dreams come true with us!


tel.: +48 (33) 812 40 96
tel./fax: +48 (33) 812 27 02

Sąd Rejonowy w Bielsku-Białej
KRS 0000181424

Dekoracje świąteczne miast

Decor Light Sp. z o. o.
ul. Komorowicka 39-41
43-300 Bielsko-Biała

NIP: 641-22-02-897
REGON: 276775023


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